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Sex! Drinks! Video Games! Ep.07 - Smack My Ass and Call Me Susan

Welcome back to Sex! Drinks! Video Games!

This month we slam right into the dangerous and beautiful Long Island Iced Tea. We break down the recipe and talk about how its great and terrible at the same time. Then we talk some of our current go to drinks. When things get sexy we question the purpose of man nipples? Why do we still have them? In the future once we have evolved will men no longer have them and will chickens be driving taxis? Lots to break down in the video game world. PS5 has bad UI, Does Resident Evil have a tired game mechanic? PS Plus and the Play at Home deals. Also what's the deal with firmware for your controller? Let's head over to Cozy Grove before we are too drunk to walk.

All this and more on todays episode. So pour yourself a Long Island, turn the lights down low and the volume way up. Zombie Jesus is here for you.

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Sex! Drinks! Video Games! Ep.07 - Smack My Ass and Call Me Susan Ryan Lance & Lucia D'Elia