Stuff I have written
My original thought for this blog was for me to actually you But I don't tend to have a lot of free time and while I would like to banter more on the internet I have not really been doing a very good job. To be honest Twitter is where I do most of my rambling. Sooooo for the moment I think I will start posting things I have written on this blog until I decide to write something new.
Today I would like to share some of my poetry that I wrote about 4 years ago. I'm quite fond of it but I'm also pretty sure it will never become anything more than a poem. As for future posts I will also probably post random poetry and lyrics I have written. I wrote this randomly 4 years ago after drinking probably too much bourbon or gin and felt inspired. so without further ado.
The Throne in Outer Space
There are gaps in your stride and secrets in your smiles that waste all of your potential. these moments that you take, when you are awake, yet on the outside you seem so gentle. From your throne in outer space, where you hide your true face and you’re trapped with all the dreams you can’t remember. We find you looking through yet no one else will really do, all the things that make you surrender. Don’t fear the steps you take as the road begins to break we will catch you when you end here. From the all the shows you perform will you make it through the storm? The quest that you take is your questionable contender. From your paradise on Saturn we will keep a lit lantern. When you make it back you will hear the laughter from the fire and the crackle.
by Ryan Lance 9-11-2012